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MENDELIANUM - Attractive World of Genetics

The modern museum of J.G. Mendel with a long tradition, strong historical roots and rich scientific research environment.

Mendelianum is located in authentic premises of Mendel´s scientific society in the historical heart of Brno.

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Foto Mendelianum

MENDELIANUM - Attractive World of Genetics

The modern museum of J.G. Mendel with a long tradition, strong historical roots and rich scientific research environment.
Mendelianum is located in authentic premises of Mendel´s scientific society in the historical heart of Brno.
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MENDELIANUM - Attractive World of Genetics

The modern museum of J.G. Mendel with a long tradition, strong historical roots and rich scientific research environment.
Mendelianum is located in authentic premises of Mendel´s scientific society in the historical heart of Brno.

born at Hynčice now a part of Vražné

1831 – 1933

elementary school at Hynčice

1833 – 1834

Piarist school at Lipník

1834 – 1840
Grammer School (Gymnasium) at Opava
1840 – 1843
Institute of Philosophy at Olomouc
1843 – 1844
1844 – 1848
theology studies in Brno
1848 – 1849
Pastor at the Old Brno Abbey
1849 – 1850
substitute professor at gymnasium in Znojmo
first attempt at a university examination
substitute professor of agriculture at the Technical Institute in Brno
1851 – 1853
student of physics and natural history at Vienna University
building of the green house in the monastic vegetable garden, appointed teacher of physics and natural history at Technical Institute in Brno
publishs on Botys margaritalis in the J. of zool.- botan. Soc. Vienna
1854 – 1856

carried out pea experiments on constancy of selected traits

member of the Moravian and Silesian Agricultural Society Brno, the second attempt at the university examination in Vienna
starts hybridizing experiments with peas in monastic garden
continues experiments on plant hybrids, becomes a member of the Natural Science Society Brno

continues experiments on plants hybrids, publishs his meteorological observations of 1862 in Brno

finalization of experiments on the nature of the hybrid, publishes his meteorological observations of 1863 in Brno
lectures on Experiments in Plant Hybrids in Brno, at the meetings of the Nature Research Society, February 8 and March 8
Mendel´s work Experiments in Plant Hybrids in Brno published in the journal of the Nature Research Society, publishes his meteorological observations of 1865 in Brno, opens correspondence on plant hybrids with Nägeli
publishes his meteorological observations of 1866 in Brno, discussions on hybrids in his letters to Nägeli
elected Abbot of the Augustinian monastery in Old Brno continueds correspondence on hybrids with Nägeli, lectures on his experiments in Hieracium bastards in Brno, becomes vice-chairman of the Natural Science Society in Brno, continues correspondence on plant hybrids with Nägeli
publishes his experiments with Hieracium bastards in Brno, publishes his meteorological observations of 1869 in Brno, continued correspondence on hybrids with Nägeli, votes the proconstitutional Liberal Party for the Moravian Diet
last letter on hybrids to Nägeli

declines to chair the Beekeepers' Society Brno, tries to hybridize dark domestic and light Cyprus bees

1874 – 1884
protests against the increased taxes on the monastic property
reportes on his underground water level measurements to G. v. Niessl
publishes on rainfalls and weather in Brno in the J. of Austrian Meteorol. Soc.
becomes Director of the Mortgage Bank of Moravia
publishes on storm in Brno and Blansko in the Journal of Austrian Meteorol. Society
requests grafts from the trees in his parents' garden
dies on January 6, buried January 9 in the Central Cemetery in Brno

Thematic area of the Centre

J. G. Mendel

1 Mendel osobnostJ. G. Mendel - scientist and a multifaceted personality.


Mendel´s Scientific Centre

Mendel´s Visitor Centre

Mendel´s Interactive School

Mendel Forum

Afternoon with DNA

Mendel´s Brno

The Technical College

Technicke uceniThe building of the former Technical College where the meetings of the Nature Research Society were held over which Mendel often presided in his position of society´s vice-chairman (Komenského náměstí 2).

Opening Hours

Monday closed
Tuesday closed
Wednesday 9.00 - 17.00
Thursday 9.00 - 17.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.00
Saturday 10.00 - 17.00
Sunday 13.00 - 17.00

More information

More Information

Admission: - full / discount / family
Exposition without a guide 70,- / 35,- / 175,-
Exposition with a guide 90,- / 45,- / 225,-
Tickets to Mendeliana must be purchased at the box office Ditrichstein palace.

Provided discounts:
There is a 50 % discount when you register online. To book a specific time, please use e - mail:


Author: Mgr. Jiri Veverka | Mendelianum, Moravian Museum, Zelný trh 6, 659 37, Brno, Czech Republic