Mendelianum as a part of the Moravian Museum in Brno
The Mendelianum Committee of the Moravian Museum
will award the 2025 Mendel Memorial Medal
to T. H. Noel Ellis for his research linking Mendel's work with modern genetics.
The medal, which is awarded annually, recognizes significant contributions to the advancement of Mendel’s scientific and cultural legacy.
T.H. Noel Ellis (born 1953) is currently a visiting scientist at the John Innes Centre, where he worked for 36 years. His core research interests are in genome organisation, diversity, and developmental genetics of pea. He was also Professor of Crop Genetics and Phenotype Biology at the University of Aberystwyth and was Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes.
Noel’s research links historical genetics with modern genetics by identifying pea genes studied by Mendel and characterising them at the molecular level. Since 2015, he has collaborated extensively with Peter van Dijk on a reappraisal of Mendel’s work, deepening our understanding of Mendel’s Genetics.
Mendel Memorial Medal Ceremony
10th March 2025 at John Innes Conference Centre:
Mendel Memorial Medal Ceremony | John Innes Centre
Register to attend the Mendel Memorial Medal Ceremony 2025:
Register to attend the Mendel Memorial Medal Ceremony 2025
Some relevant publications on Mendel are:
Mendel’s genetics:
van Dijk P.J. and Ellis T.H.N. (2023) Gregor Mendel and the theory of species multiplication. Genetics 224:iyad046,
Ellis, T.H.N. and van Dijk, P.J. (2023) Mendel’s terminology and notation reveal his understanding of genetics. Hereditas 160, 16.
van Dijk P.J., Jessop A.P. and Ellis T.H.N. (2022) How did Mendel arrive at his discoveries? Nature Genetics 54: 926–933
Ellis T.H.N., Hofer J.M.I., Swain M.T. and van Dijk P.J. (2019) Mendel's pea crosses: varieties, traits and statistics. Hereditas 156: 33
van Dijk P.J., Weissing F.J. and Ellis T.H.N. (2018) How Mendel's interest in inheritance grew out of plant improvement. Genetics 210: 1 – 9
van Dijk P.J. and Ellis T.H.N. (2016) The full breadth of Mendel's genetics. Genetics 204: 1327-1336
Mendel’s genes:
Feng, C., ... Ellis, N., Chayut, N. and Cheng, S. (2024) Genomic and Genetic Insights into Mendel’s Pea Genes
Ellis T.H.N., Hofer J.M.I., Timmerman-Vaughan G.M., Coyne C.J. and Hellens R.P. (2011) Mendel, 150 years on. Trends in Plant Science 16: 590-596
Hellens R., ... and Ellis T.H.N. (2010) Identification of Mendel's White Flower Character. PLoS ONE 10: e13230
Bhattacharyya M.K., Smith A.M., Ellis T.H.N., Hedley C. and Martin C. (1990) The wrinkled-seed character of pea described by Mendel is caused by a transposon-like insertion in a gene encoding starch-branching enzyme. Cell 60: 115-122 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(90)90721-p
The Mendel Memorial Medal is a unique annual award given to an internationally recognized figure for his or her contribution to the scientific and cultural legacy of Gregor Mendel and genetics. Past recipients of this award have included Nobel prize winners, outstanding researchers, pioneers in genetics, molecular biology, and the history of biology and genetics, as well as other eminent scientists. Last year saw the thirtieth anniversary of the start of the award. Its origin, however, goes back much deeper and is firmly linked to the tradition of developing Mendel’s scientific legacy at the Mendelianum of the Moravian Museum in Brno.
Recipients of the Mendel Memorial Medal:
2024 Daniel L. Hartl, Harvard University, Massachusetts USA
2023 P. van Dijk, KeyGene, Wageningen
2022 U. Hoßfeld, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
2021 T. Nagata, University of Tokyo, Hosei University
2020 J. Sölkner, BOKU, Vienna
2019 C. Laukaitis, University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson
2018 W. Wackernagel, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg
2017 D. J. Fairbanks, Utah Valley University, Orem
2016 J. Vollmann, BOKU, Vienna
2015 A. Matalová, Mendelianum, Brno
2014 H. Lesot, University of Strasbourg
2013 F. Di Trocchio, Sapienza University of Rome
2012 R. C. Karn, University of Arizona
2011 S. Zadražil, Charles University, Prague
2010 W. Mann, Theresia Mendel’s descendant, Darmstadt
2008 J. D. Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island
2007 D. Lane, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
2006 M. W. Nirenberg, Lab. of Biochem. Genetics, NIH, Bethesda
2005 J. Lužný, Mendel University, Brno
2004 J. Šmarda, Masaryk University, Brno
2003 P. T. Sharpe, Guy’s Hospital, London
2002 J. Klein, Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie, Tübingen
2001 L. Lojda, Univ. of Veterinary and Pharm. Sciences, Brno
2000 C. Kovář, Mendel’s Beehouse, Brno
1999 F. W. Anders, Institute of Genetics, Giessen
1998 F. Brückner, Crop Research Institute, Kroměříž
1995 V. N. Soyfer, George Mason University, Fairfax
1994 F. J. Ayala, University of California, Irvine
1993 F. Weiling, University of Agriculture, Bonn
1992 B. Jennings, Hastings Centre, Briarcliff Manor, New York
1992 T. Hirano, Japan Mendel Society, Tokyo
1992 H. Galjaard, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
The MENDELIANUM is an interactive museum and centre of J. G. Mendel founded at a strong historical basis and equipped with many modern components. The Mendelianum has been developing its activities in science, research, education and popularization since 1962 (Nobel Prize awarded for DNA structure – rehabilitation of Mendelian genetics behind the iron curtain).
At the occasion of the 50th anniversary, the Mendelianum moved into the historical heart of the city of Brno, exactly into the authentic premises where Mendel´s scientific Society (the Agriculture Society - Ackerbaugesellschaft) was located. This was the Society where Mendel worked actively for 30 years, where he kept discussions with his colleagues and where he got inspired for his later world famous research. In the historical room with the original painted wooden ceiling, where Mendel used to work, the visitors are welcome by the Mendel wax statue.
The exposition where everybody can become a scientist introduces the personality and work of J. G. Mendel and relates his research to today´s genetics, molecular biology and other scientific branches. There are unique several meter high models of DNA and gene expression supplemented by 3D animations which allow visitors to enter the cell nucleus. The Mendelianum offers Mendel´s as well as modern molecular laboratory with functional equipment and many interactive programmes.
In frame of its new conception for the 3rd millennium Mendel is presented as a modern scientist and multifaceted personality. The Mendelianum prepared also a Mendel Path visitors can walk in Brno.
Centrum Mendelianum represents a scientific as well a popular visitor centre supplemented with the Mendel Interactive School offering a rich programme.
Mendelianum as a part of the Moravian Museum
In 2015 Mendelianum celebrates 50 years of active work in scientific and popular-scientific areas related to Mendel's life, work and his scientific and cultural heritage. To this significant anniversary Mendelianum presents its modern concept under the heading Mendelianum Center. This center provides a unique foundation for science, research, education, popularization and promotion. Mendelianum Center includes scientific center, visitor center and Mendel interactive school. Mendelianum Center is open to everyone!